Bitcoin Address Details


Address Info

cdd_24h Balance (BTC)
0.00 BTC
cdd_24h Balance (USD)
cdd_24h Wallet Name
cdd_24h First Trade
16-July-2024 (163 Days ago)
cdd_24h Recent Trade
16-July-2024 (163 Days ago)
cdd_24h Total Transactions
8 Times
cdd_24h Profit/Loss
12 USD Gained
cdd_24h Total Sent
0.0173 BTC
cdd_24h Total Received
0.01729106 BTC
This address has transacted 8 times on the Bitcoin blockchain. It has received a total of 0.01729106 BTC $1705.19246402 and has sent a total of 0.0173 BTC $1704.49524183. The current value of this address is 0.00 BTC ($0.69722219).

Recent Transactions

Type Block Tx Hash Time Amount (BTC) Amount (USD) BTC Price
Buy 853329 dd831f...d600900 2024-07-22 11:41:09 +0.01111890 BTC $633.44 $57,846.00
Buy 853324 0799ea...ad38831 2024-07-22 11:10:36 +0.01095046 BTC $0.35 $57,846.00
Buy 853296 0e04c0...fe2b647 2024-07-22 06:01:19 +0.00018808 BTC $296,509.92 $57,846.00
Buy 852496 2d796e...f6b8458 2024-07-17 02:11:56 +0.00612033 BTC $345.66 $57,846.00
Buy 852494 6e5417...b39564a 2024-07-17 01:23:56 +0.00597546 BTC $0.35 $57,846.00
Buy 852406 17a82b...5620a7e 2024-07-16 11:00:44 +0.00015907 BTC $9.82 $57,846.00
Buy 852405 97edd3...b78b2fa 2024-07-16 10:55:05 +0.00000546 BTC $0.32 $57,846.00
Buy 852403 7bde13...9a6be94 2024-07-16 10:35:28 +0.00000546 BTC $0.32 $57,846.00