Bitcoin Address Details


Address Info

cdd_24h Balance (BTC)
0.00 BTC
cdd_24h Balance (USD)
cdd_24h Wallet Name
cdd_24h First Trade
23-August-2024 (125 Days ago)
cdd_24h Recent Trade
23-August-2024 (125 Days ago)
cdd_24h Total Transactions
4 Times
cdd_24h Profit/Loss
12 USD Gained
cdd_24h Total Sent
0.0004 BTC
cdd_24h Total Received
0.00038102 BTC
This address has transacted 4 times on the Bitcoin blockchain. It has received a total of 0.00038102 BTC $37.60248278 and has sent a total of 0.0004 BTC $37.60248278. The current value of this address is 0.00 BTC ($0).

Recent Transactions

Type Block Tx Hash Time Amount (BTC) Amount (USD) BTC Price
Buy 858132 6d53b4...b0c84cb 2024-08-24 00:47:58 +0.74872101 BTC $43.64 $57,846.00
Buy 858123 3418fd...9a2e167 2024-08-24 00:01:33 +0.00011523 BTC $311,784.16 $57,846.00
Buy 858077 3bdd40...99f8601 2024-08-23 16:51:04 +0.41925217 BTC $28.94 $57,846.00
Buy 858075 841efa...e41427b 2024-08-23 16:25:48 +0.00026579 BTC $79,349.90 $57,846.00