Bitcoin Address Details


Address Info

cdd_24h Balance (BTC)
0.00 BTC
cdd_24h Balance (USD)
cdd_24h Wallet Name
cdd_24h First Trade
04-September-2020 (1575 Days ago)
cdd_24h Recent Trade
08-September-2020 (1571 Days ago)
cdd_24h Total Transactions
6 Times
cdd_24h Profit/Loss
12 USD Gained
cdd_24h Total Sent
0.1301 BTC
cdd_24h Total Received
0.13005087 BTC
This address has transacted 6 times on the Bitcoin blockchain. It has received a total of 0.13005087 BTC $12517.78639011 and has sent a total of 0.1301 BTC $12517.78639011. The current value of this address is 0.00 BTC ($0).

Recent Transactions

Type Block Tx Hash Time Amount (BTC) Amount (USD) BTC Price
Buy 650625 541b6d...ec32ada 2020-09-30 12:28:11 +53.32262380 BTC $396.35 $61,506.00
Buy 650436 b15844...42b1e05 2020-09-29 05:38:05 +0.00000546 BTC $10,698.71 $61,506.00
Buy 649871 a30fa1...44602c9 2020-09-25 10:54:12 +52.25470962 BTC $4,182.41 $61,506.00
Buy 649704 a568c2...1535950 2020-09-24 07:24:24 +0.06321832 BTC $1,230,120.00 $61,506.00
Buy 647259 0c8dbf...4f7823a 2020-09-08 10:38:30 +82.70958298 BTC $4,110.27 $61,506.00
Buy 646617 b4b32f...94f52b7 2020-09-04 03:37:31 +0.06682709 BTC $4,128.76 $61,506.00